Monday, November 30, 2009

Sample Organizational Charts - Perfect Organizational Chart Examples

We recommend our new org chart software specifically dedicated to creating organization charts, organizational charts, and organigrams. OrgChart Professional is similar to Microsoft Visio and PowerPoint, but much faster, more robust and much easier to use.

Are you looking for a solution to draw the organizational chart and maximize the efficiency of employees in your organizational structure? Do you want to know how to make an org chart? Well, the best thing to do is look at some good samples of organizational charts in order to get an idea of what will work best for you.

Keep in mind that presentation may vary depending on what you are trying to accomplish. Some organizations can be most easily depicted by their payroll structure. Others will be best described by a position-based or role-based presentation. It simply depends on picking a presentation that fits the need.

With OrgChart Professional, you can create clear and comprehensive organizational charts with no prior experience. As you can see by studying the examples of organizational chart below, these types of charts are the ideal way to illustrate the inner structure and hierarchy of a business or any other type of organization.

Free Download Organizational Chart Software and View All Examples

Everything becomes clear when the structural relationships are illustrated with an organizational chart created with OrgChart Professional - the most effective organizational chart software. Use it to create organizational charts, visualize company organizational chart, calculate headcount and financial summaries, business organizational chart, bank organizational chart, corporate organizational chart, school organizational chart, and government organizational chart, organigrams and organograms, etc.

Perfect Organizational Chart Examples Created by OrgChart Professional:

Organization Chart with Photos

Business Organization Chart

Military Organization Chart

Medical Organization Chart

Law Enforcement Organizational Chart

Public Utility Organizational Chart

Government Public Health Organizational Chart

Scientific Organization Chart

U.S. Government Department of the Interior Organization Chart

Municipal Organization Chart

Information Technology Organization Chart

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Organigram – 6 Reasons Why Your Company Needs One

The organizational chart – or Organigram/Organogram – is a roadmap of your organization. It typically articulates the job grading system or hierarchy within an organization. The organigram illustrates reporting relationships between the different levels of management within an organization. And frequently the organigram will identify the nature and scope of an individual’s responsibilities and authority.

But why create an organigram? Who cares?

But why create an organigram? Who cares?

6 Benefits Of Having a Well Documented Organigram in Your Company:

  • The organigram shows the reporting relationship/seniority in an organization and helps avoid misunderstanding in protocol;
  • It improves communication by establishing ‘escalation’ pathways – which are critical for problem resolution;
  • It assists with categorizing employees according to an appropriate job grading system that is used for different purposes such as remuneration, employment equity and skills development – all legal requirements that need to be adhered to;
  • It reflects the relationship between the different departments in the organization to ensure best practice and alignment with good corporate governance.
  • The organigram helps other organizations quickly and easily understand how to work with your organization and identify specific individuals to contact.
  • It reduces the risk of legal ramifications, since unclear roles and responsibilities can invite lawsuits from employees.

With an organigram, the members of your organization or company can get a quick picture of how to be more productive and not waste time. The right people can get involved in creating results, resolving issues, meeting customers’ needs, etc. It helps everyone work better together, and that will benefit the entire company.

Here is a sample organigram – since a picture helps communicate the benefit:

Figure 1 - A simple level -based organigram

Figure 2 – A simple function-based organigram

Creating an organigram for your company can be done using automated software such as OrgChart Professional by OfficeWork Software. CNET recommends this software for all users and it can be found at or This software will automate the chart so that it’s easy to keep up-to-date, since it will synchronize with your HR data.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The OrgChart as an Essential Management Tool

Having managed scores of technology projects I have learned that success primarily depends upon having the right people effectively placed within the organization. As important as technology (the ‘hard’ stuff) is, it is only an efficiency factor – and one that heavily depends on the quality of people (the ‘soft’ stuff) engaged in the organization.

You may have heard of the saying, “the hard stuff is easy, and the soft stuff is hard.” It’s the people issues that bring the greatest challenge to any project.

It used to amaze me that post-project reviews would commonly cite problems with people and communication at the top of the list. But not any more. Many of us ‘seasoned managers’ have come to understand that there are actually ‘rewards’ for keeping things fuzzy – which is why we persist in seeing communication problems and ‘squishy’ team structures. It’s to busy and ambitions peoples’ advantage to avoid being nailed down - particularly if they are being ‘overworked’ and reporting to multiple bosses.

So what can you do about it?

Management tools like the organization chart dismantle the ambiguity in accountability and authority relationships. In so doing, they facilitate relational agreements that bring peace, productivity and results.

The organization chart (organigram/organogram) is a critical tool for organizational definition. It brings clarity of accountability and results to each member of the team. It shows where the fat or redundancies are in the organization. If developed using an automated organization chart software (such as OrgChart Professional by OfficeWork Software) the chart can be quickly assembled from your company HR data – and then kept current through an automated method. Organization optimization and cost analysis becomes a simple task.

Most organizations have org charts, but few keep them up-to-date. In order to get your arms around your projects and organization you must have a current organizational chart. Just because you are clear on the organizational structure in your own mind does not mean that everyone else is. As the manager you must continue to refine and document your organizational structure and ensure everyone on-board both understands and agrees.

Nothing is left unclear when structural relationships are documented with an organizational chart created with OrgChart Professional - the world-class standard in organizational chart software. Thousands of managers use OrgChart Pro to create organizational charts visualize the company organization, design organizational structures, analyze headcount and span of control, and determine cost overload or redundancy.

As the manager you must take control of your organization. Take action to apply the right tools that bring clarity and results to your peoples’ working relationships.

You Cannot Manage What You Cannot Visualize

With all of the project-oriented work going on in companies these days some will take the position that the functional organization chart is obsolete because of newer matrix reporting relationships. Nothing could be further from the truth. Without accurate organizational charts you’re dead. People will drift, lose focus, and create time-consuming performance problems.

With more work being done on a project-basis, more employees with multiple assignments on loan to other organizations, more virtual team activity, and greater worker mobility, your busy managers will certainly lose track of who’s doing what.

The organizational chart is the best tool to visualize, communicate and manage the key working relationships of your company’s precious talent. (Would a simple list of, say 150 people enable you to visualize and evaluate your organization?

Or would you better be able to understand the organization with a picture such as this:

Organizational chart software such as OrgChart Professional by OfficeWork Software can quickly assemble your organizational structure charts from your HR data or company directory. OrgChart Professional can be used for budgeting, staffing, and succession planning. Outputs can be easily shared throughout the company.

Recommended by CNET, OrgChart is available at,

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why the CEO needs an Organizational Chart

As a CEO, the org chart is absolutely essential. It’s a big mistake not to keep it current.

A 2002 survey of over 20,000 people indicated that 25% of the employees will work for the success of the organization; 50% are ambivalent about its success; and 25% actually work against the success of the organization/company. Beware if you think your company/organization is an exception.

When the issue is ‘command and control’ or accountability, the chart gives an unambiguous picture. It is a tool for setting performance expectations and accountability for results.

It also shows the workload of management since span of control becomes apparent. It ensures that everyone is connected as accountable to the company and that no one is off on their own personal mission.

As a manager’s tool for performance and results it the organizational chart is crucial. Many companies have these charts but few keep them up-to-date – mostly because they can be a hassle to draw, and the organizations keep on changing.

If you use automated org chart drawing software such as OrgChart Professional you can automate the job of creating organizational charts so that they’re easy to keep up-to-date. Lines of accountability are easily communicated and understood on a real-time basis. H4BJM9U98GCB This will greatly help the CEO – and everyone - become more accountable for the results that they were hired to accomplish.

Check it out at:

Friday, November 13, 2009

CNET Editors' Review for OrgChart Professional Software

OrgChart Professional is a feature-packed program that allows users to create impressive organizational charts. Because of the number of features it contains will allow the users to master the program's many functions.

The interface is a bit cluttered and can be overwhelming at first, with lots of menus and buttons everywhere. Although it's possible to create an organizational chart just by fooling around with the program, beginners should really start with the Help file, a 282-page PDF that contains plenty of detailed tutorials and screenshots. Within 15 minutes you'll be creating attractive 3D charts and learning about the program's features at the same time. We very much enjoyed the fact that so much of the chart creation process simply involves dragging and dropping various components; although there are many advanced features, the program's interface makes it quite simple to perform the basics.

OrgChart Professional delivers everything you'd expect from such a program in terms of features. Users can easily customize the appearance of both the chart components and background. A variety of shapes, components, and alignment options make it possible to create charts representative of any organization, no matter how complex. The program allows the users to import and export data in a variety of formats.

OrgChart Professional is free to try, but the trial version limits users to 30 boxes. The program installs and uninstalls without issues. We recommend this program to all users.
